Here's what you need to do now: 

  1. Check your emails!

    This will give you the list of ingredients you need to bake-along with me! The actual recipe will be sent to you on the morning of each bake-along. If you don't receive an email almost immediately then please check your junk email. If there's still no email please send me an email- [email protected]. so you can join in!
  2. CLICK HERE to join the Facebook Group!

    This is where the magic is going to happen and where I will be doing the live bake-along. Please join now but the group will only officially become active on the 27th Jan. Even if you can't join live, the replays will be available immediately after we finish so this is the best place to be!

  3. Share with a friend- baking with a friend is ALWAYS better! 

    Share & get in the draw for an extra prize!! Copy & paste the text below to share it on your Facebook page or with a friend. Once you've done this, send me a PM on Facebook or comment on the FB post & you'll be in to win!

    "Hey, I've joined a super fun baking challenge getting the kids to make their own treats for their lunchboxes. We're baking along live via Facebook & there's going to be heaps of prizes. Head to www.bakewithme.co.nz/backtoschoolbaking to register & come and join me!"

 Reminder of the schedule:

Monday 27th January- Facebook group becomes active, welcome call to welcome you all & announcement of prize for sharing. 3pm NZ time. 

Tuesday 28th January- Home-made muesli bars- 10.30am NZ time. 

Wednesday 29th January- Fruit Salad Muffins- 10.30am NZ time. 

Thursday 30th January- Cheese & Marmite Roll Ups- 10.30am NZ time. 

Friday 31st January- Q & A about any of the recipes. Prize winners accounced! 3pm NZ time. 

I have another question or need help...

Feel free to email me [email protected] and I'll get back to you! Or alternatively, flick me an email over on facebook by CLICKING HERE